Monday 3 November 2014


Today I had a formative feedback session with Richard in which I presented my initial research and direction currently completed as part of the COP module. 

During the tutorial I talked about project aspects that were relevant to the dissertation to ensure I got the most informed and applicable responses from Richard. Topics covered where;
  • My current research and its relevance. 
  • My current reading list.
  • Books ordered.
  • Rough dissertation plan.

Images below evidence the aspects discussed during the tutorial;


During the session important notes relevant to my progression from the tutorial were evidenced on the sheet displayed below.



The aspect most discussed during the session was the current structure of the dissertation. At the point of the tutorial I presented the rough structure displayed in the images above, which split the dissertation into six sections;
  1. Introduction.
  2. Current environmental issues - problem, reaction.
  3. Transformational festivals - values and ethics.
  4. Festival impact - Effect on attendants.
  5. Implementation - Can values be integrated into society.
  6. Conclusion. 
However, Richard highlighted the fact that the last two sections on 'Festival Impact' and 'Implementation' were almost identical and should be combined into one larger, focused section, and so the structure was slightly adapted. The revised structure is relatively the same as the one presented during the session but combines the last two areas into one cohesive section. 
  1. Introduction.
  2. Current environmental issues.
  3. Transformational festvals.
  4. Impact.
  5. Conclusion. 


Currently I have a large body of primary research that was collected from Boom festival in Portugal however, this currently needs evidencing on my blog. Therefore, one task that needs to be completed is the blogging of all material collected from the event. Additionally, when discussing the 'Impact' section of the dissertation it was mentioned that more primary research will need to be collected reviewing the impact transformational events have on their attendants. Therefore, interviews and/or a survey will need to be organised and conducted as part of the module.


As of yet, the ideas generated for the physical outcome that will be produced as part of the module lack relevance to the dissertations content and fail to completely represent the points that will be covered. When discussing my proposed directions with the physical outcome it was suggested that I should spend time further developing ideas. 


Overall, the session was really helpful and got me motivated to make a real start on the dissertation. Tasks that will be completed to help me progress for the session are listed below;
  • Structure - Write detailed chapter structure. 
  • Research - Interview festival attendants.
  • Physical outcome - Develop ideas.
  • Dissertation - Start writing.
  • Email Richard - Two chapters, 17th November. 

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