In response to study task one I collected a body of research into a mysterious substance called ORMUS. Due to the nature of the topic there is little scientific research into the substance, so consequently little has been published about the material and its possible benefits. Therefore, when collecting research I had to predominantly rely on secondary based internet sources while collecting the majority of my research.
While collecting the research I made sure that I continually questioned the legitimacy of the information source. As the subject of ORMUS could quite easily be categorized in the same conspiracy category as UFO's and free energy devices I wanted to collect a body of reliable, scientifically viable research. In doing so any doubts surrounding the legitimacy of the material could be quashed and people educated regarding the uses and benefits of ORMUS.
I managed to find various independent scientific studies that evidence detailed research into the substance. However, these studies where often undertaken from people who profit directly from the sale of ORMUS by selling it to people who believe in its possible benefits. Therefore, most of the scientific studies I researched into could be seen as biased, and created for an agenda. Due to this, I want to continue researching into ORMUS to find an independent scientific study free from all possible biased opinions.
Following my research into ORMUS I started looking at alchemy, the practice of which is directly related to the ORMUS substance throughout its history of usage. I briefly researched into the history of alchemy and reviewed some of the aesthetically appealing illustrations used to communicate various aspects of the secretive practice. Despite this I feel I know little about the subject, and as it is so closely linked to my main research focus the practice of Alchemy is something that I want to research into further.
When collecting further research I want to continue to focus on ORMUS and collect a body of independent, unbiased scientific research to support the claims outlined in my initial research. Furthermore, I also want to research further into the history of ORMUS and review its usage and application throughout history. Linking to this I also want to collect a body of informed research into the practice of alchemy, in doing so I will get a better understanding of the secretive culture and history surrounding ORMUS and other associated hidden practices.
Before I start collecting research I first decided to create a research plan to roughly outlining the areas of interest and the research methods that will be applied. In the first study task I found creating a plan was beneficial as it helped me with my organisation, enabled me to outline the research methods used to collect information and enabled me to collect an ordered, successive body of research.
- ORMUS - independent scientific data.
- ORMUS - history.
- Alchemy - history.
- Alchemy & ORMUS.
- Alchemy - symbols & meanings.
- Alchemy - applications & benefits.
- Basic Alchemy experiment (if possible).
- Independent scientific ORMUS research.
- Internet based sources.
- Alchemy documentary.
- Alchemy books.
- Alchemy talks/lectures.
- Contact alchemist.
- Contact ORMUS researcher.
- Data collected from scientific reports.
- Data taken from alchemy papers.
Research into alchemy was started by watching a documentary that introduces the practice, its history and some of the many secrets surrounding the topic.
Documentaries act as a good introduction to any research topic as (as long as they are produced by an independent reliable source) they often offer an informed, well researched introduction to the programs focus. When collecting research in response to study task one I watched a documentary about ORMUS which acted as a reliable, eye opening introduction to the subject. The information was presented from an unbiased perspective, by someone who's focus was to collect scientific research to support the claims surrounding ORMUS, and so the documentary acted as a definitive part of my research. This success will hopefully be recreated when watching the alchemy documentary.
- Alchemy is a sacred science that has been practiced for thousands of years.
- The word alchemy translates to 'Al-khemet' which means 'from Egypt'.
- Egypt was well known as Khemet in ancient times, which means black land. Egypt was known as the black land due to the fertile soils found along the banks of the river Nile.
- Thus the term alchemy is the origin of the term 'Black art'.
- Also has links to Greece as the Greeks ruled Egypt for a time, and so their cultures massively influence each other.
- Alchemy is kept secret through magical and fraternal organisations.
- First alchemist is know as 'Thoth' an Egyptian god who is know as the founder of science, religion, mathematics, geometry, philosophy, medicine and magic.
- The unification of matter and spirit is a center piece of alchemical ideology and interest.
- Thoth also became known as the Greek god Hermes, the two formally became the same as Hermes Trismegistus, of which he is still currently known as.
- One of the founding manuscripts of Alchemy is known as the emerald tablet which is said to contain the secrets of the art.
- Many transcripts are available, the most famous and informative was composed by Issac Newton, an established alchemist.
- Famous alchemists have included the likes of; Pythagoras, Galileo, Da-vinci, Issac Newton and Napoleon.
- Alchemy has influenced modern science as we know it and has also had considerable influence on some of the greatest thinkers of our time.
- The secret teachings are know as esocterric, occult or symbolism teachings and apparently hold the secrets of the universe.
- Information is seen to be passed down to the human race from the Gods.
- The alchemist journey is known as the great work, and is broken down into several chemical, psychological, physiological, societal and planetary levels.
- Alchemists work with what is know as the three primes or 'Tria Prima' which are know as; Sulfur (the omnipresent spirit of life), Mercury (The fluid connection between the high and the low) and Salt (base matter).
- The four elements are also very important to alchemy - Fire, water, earth and air.
- The alchemist is familiar with seven primary metals which are ruled, influence or dominated by seven planetary influences used in alchemic work.
- Gold - ruled by the sun.
- Silver - dominated by the moon.
- Copper - dominated by Venus.
- Iron - dominated by Mars.
- Tin - dominated by Jupiter.
- Mercury - dominated by Mercury.
- Lead - dominated by Saturn.
- Calcination is the first of the following seven major operations in transformation. Chemically the calcination process involves heating a substance until it is reduced to ashes. Alchemists commonly used sulfuric acid which is a powerful corrosive that will eat away at flesh and reacts with all metals apart from gold. Calcination also psychologically relates to the cleansing of the body and the destruction of the ego, usually a natural humble process - burns off excesses gained from over-indulgence. Physiologically, calcination relates to metabolic discipline that tunes the body, relates to optimum health. In society calcination is expressed through revolutionaries and conquerors who aim to overthrow the current statuesque. On a planetary level it is the fire of creation.
- Dissolution is the second major operation in transformation. Chemically, it is the dissolving of the ashes from the calcination stage in water, represented by Iron Oxide (rust). Psychologically, it relates to an unconscious process where our conscious minds let go of control and allows the surfacing of buried material. Physiologically, dissolution is the continuance of the opening of energy channels in the body to recharge every cell in the body. In society, dissolution is represented through steady growth. On a planetary level dissolution is the great flood, and the cleansing of the earth of everything that is inferior.
- Separation is the third operation in transformation. Chemically it is the isolation of the components of dissolution by filtration, and the discarding of any unworthy material - represented by Sodium Carbonate. Psychologically, separation is the process of rediscovery of our essence and the reclaiming of dream and visionary gold previously rejected by the rational part of our minds. Physiologically, separation is the following and controlling of breath and the body as it works with the forces of spirit and soul to give birth to new energy. In society, separation is expressed through the establishment of clans, cities and nationalities. Separation on the planetary level is represented by the formation landmasses and islands from the powerful forces of water earth and fire.
- Conjunction is the forth operation of alchemy. Chemically, conjunction is the recombination of saved elements from separation into new substance - symbolized by potassium nitrate (salt). Psychologically, it is the empowerment of our true selves, the union of both the masculine and feminine sides of our personalities - intuitive state of consciousness - referred to as the lesser stone. Physiologically, conjunction is using the bodies sexual energies to perform transformation. In society it is the growth of crafts and technologies to master the environment. On a planetary level conjunction occurs when primordial lifeforms are created from the energies of the sun.
- Fermentation is the fifth operation of alchemy. Chemically, fermentation is the growth of a ferment bacteria in organic solutions such as occurs in the fermenting of milk to make curds and cheese - represented by a compound called 'Liqueur Hepatis' which is an oily reddish brown mixture of ammonia and Hydrogen Sulfide. Psychologically, the fermentation process starts with the inspiration of spiritual power from above that reanimates, re-energies and enlightens the alchemist. Fermentation can be achieved through many activities such as intense prayer, break down of the personality, psychedelic drugs and deep meditation. Physiologically, fermentation is the rousing of living energy, often referred to as Chi. In society, the fermentation experience is the basis of religion. On a planetary level it is the evolution of life to produce higher states of consciousness.
- Distillation is the sixth operation in the alchemy of transformation. Chemically, it is the boiling and condensation of the fermented solution to increase its purity - represented by a compound know as 'Black Pulvis Solaris' which is made by combining 'Black Antimony' and 'Purified Sulfur'. Physiologically, distillation is the agitation of psychic forces as necessary to ensure no impurities from the inflated ego are incorporated into the next and final stage. Distillation is the purification of the unborn self. Physiologically, distillation is the raising of the life force from the repeatedly lower regions of the body to the brain - circulation of the light - distillation is culminated in the pineal gland. In society distillation is experienced as a science or objective experimentation. On a planetary level distillation is the realisation of the power of higher love.
- Coagulation (Taurus) is the seventh and final operation in the alchemy of transformation. Chemically, coagulation is the precipitation of the purified ferment from distillation - represented by a compound called 'Red Pulvis Solaris' which is purified 'Sulfur' and 'Ked Mercurie Oxide'. Psychologically, coagulation is first noticed as a new confidence that is beyond all things - permanent vehicle of consciousness that embodies the highest aspirations and evolution of the mind. Coagulation also incarnates and releases the ultimate material of the soul, the astral body, referred to as the 'Philosophers Stone'. Using this stone alchemists believe that they could exist on all levels of reality. Physiologically, this stage is marked by the release of the elixir in the blood that rejuvenates the body. These psychological and physiological processes create the second body, a body of light that emerges to the crown chakra. Socially, coagulation is the living wisdom in which everybody exists on the same level of evolved consciousness. On a planetary level coagulation is the return to the garden of Eden, on a higher level and in tune with the divine mind.
- The transmutation of metals is only a small aspect of alchemy, people focus on this rather that the fact that alchemy is more of a spiritual practice.
- The successful result of the alchemical process is the creation of the Philosophers stone.
- Alchemist teachings are often shrouded in symbolism to prevent those deemed unworthy from accessing the information and to shield themselves from persecution from religious fanatics.
- Alchemist used rich symbology that included elemental, planetary, mineral and ancient pagan symbolism.
- A common theme is the union of opposites which is a common feature throughout alchemaical art.
- Familiar figures such as the four elements, the twin dragons, and the Ouroboros (giant serpent eating its own tail) all hold great importance in alchemy.
- Masculinity is likened to the sun and sulfur while femininity is considered lunar and likened to mercury.
- Brain balance is achieved through the application of alchemical practices. - Links to ORMUS documentary - EMS brain scan showed leveling of brain activity.
- Within nearly all cultures that has existed there is reference to the activation of the third eye - pineal gland.
- Knowledge of alchemy is still kept hidden in modern times by the Secret societies and the Vatican.
- With the introduction of modern science and physics a lot of the spiritual aspects of alchemical practice were forgotten.
- Carl Young revolutionised psychology by exposing the links between alchemy, platonism and modern psychology techniques.
- Terrence McKenna - Lecturer and teacher who tried to revive the links between alchemy and spirituality.
- Alchemy is based on the philosophy of hermeticism that was developed in the first and second centuries.
- We are divine beings.
- Fate can be overcome.
- Although it has been taught that knowledge of alchemical practice should be hidden from those deemed unworthy, as spiritual beings we all have the right to access such information. Hidden knowledge is a crumbling ideology that is changing as we progress into more modern times.
Illustration of the Emerald Tablet
Tablet Summary;
History of the Tablet (largely summarised from Needham 1980, & Holmyard 1957)
The Tablet probably first appeared in the West in editions of the psuedo-Aristotlean Secretum Secretorum which was actually a translation of the Kitab Sirr al-Asar, a book of advice to kings which was translated into latin by Johannes Hispalensis c. 1140 and by Philip of Tripoli c.1243. Other translations of the Tablet may have been made during the same period by Plato of Tivoli and Hugh of Santalla, perhaps from different sources.
The date of the Kitab Sirr al-Asar is uncertain, though c.800 has been suggested and it is not clear when the tablet became part of this work.
The date of the Kitab Sirr al-Asar is uncertain, though c.800 has been suggested and it is not clear when the tablet became part of this work.
Holmyard was the first to find another early arabic version (Ruska found a 12th centruy recension claiming to have been dictated by Sergius of Nablus) in the Kitab Ustuqus al-Uss al-Thani (Second Book of the Elements of Foundation) attributed to Jabir. Shortly after Ruska found another version appended to the Kitab Sirr al-Khaliqa wa San`at al-Tabi`a (Book of the Secret of Creation and the Art of Nature), which is also known as the Kitab Balaniyus al-Hakim fi'l-`Ilal (book of Balinas the wise on the Causes). It has been proposed that this book was written may have been written as early as 650, and was definitely finished by the Caliphate of al-Ma'mun (813-33).
Scholars have seen similarities between this book and the Syriac Book of Treasures written by Job of Odessa (9th century) and more interestingly the Greek writings of the bishop Nemesius of Emesa in Syria from the mid fourth century. However though this suggests a possible Syriac source, non of these writings contain the tablet.
Balinas is usually identified with Apollonius of Tyna, but there is little evidence to connect him with the Kitab Balabiyus, and even if there was,the story implies that Balinas found the tablet rather than wrote it, and the recent discoveries of the dead sea scrolls and the nag hamamdi texts suggest that hiding texts in caves is not impossible, even if we did not have the pyramids before us.
Ruska has suggested an origin further east, and Needham has proposed an origin in China.
Holmyard, Davis and Anon all consider that this Tablet may be one of the earliest of all alchemical works we have that survives.
It should be remarked that apparantly the Greeks and Egyptians used the term translated as `emerald' for emeralds, green granites, "and perhaps green jasper". In medieval times the emerald table of the Gothic kings of Spain, and the Sacro catino- a dish said to have belonged to the Queen of Sheba, to have been used at the last supper, and to be made of emerald, were made of green glass [Steele and Singer: 488].
Issac Newton's translation (1680);
2) That wch is below is like that wch is above & that wch is above is like yt wch is below to do ye miracles of one only thing.
3) And as all things have been & arose from one by ye mediation of one: so all things have their birth from this one thing by adaptation.
4) The Sun is its father, the moon its mother,
5) the wind hath carried it in its belly, the earth its nourse.
6) The father of all perfection in ye whole world is here.
7) Its force or power is entire if it be converted into earth.
7a) Seperate thou ye earth from ye fire, ye subtile from the gross sweetly wth great indoustry.
8) It ascends from ye earth to ye heaven & again it desends to ye earth and receives ye force of things superior & inferior.
9) By this means you shall have ye glory of ye whole world & thereby all obscurity shall fly from you.
10) Its force is above all force. ffor it vanquishes every subtile thing & penetrates every solid thing.
11a) So was ye world created.
12) From this are & do come admirable adaptaions whereof ye means (Or process) is here in this.
13) Hence I am called Hermes Trismegist, having the three parts of ye philosophy of ye whole world.
14) That wch I have said of ye operation of ye Sun is accomplished & ended.
Information link - Link
Modern English Translation
The 'Azoth of the Philosophers' communicates aspects of the Emerald tablet.
Hermes Trismegistus holding the Emerald Tablet

After reviewing the Alchemy documentary I felt much more enlightened with information and facts surrounding the secretive practice. However, to further inform myself of the fine details relating to alchemy's vast history and confusing terminology I decided to collect further research from am informative book.
The book is called 'The Arcane Doctrine of Alchemy' by Stanislas Klossowski De Rola, and offers users an in-depth introduction to the history and meaning of alchemy. Referring to information in the book will not only help me further understand the practice of alchemy but will also allow me to cross-reference information against that of which was presented in the documentary. In doing so I will be able to assess the legitimacy of the information presented, as reliable, established information should be identical in both the book and documentary.
While taking notes relating to the information presented in the book I highlighted areas of interest or importance in yellow. Moreover, I cross-referenced information communicated by the documentary against the information presented in the book enabling me to check the relevance and consistency of the data, all relevant cross-referenced information has been highlighted in a light-blue.
- Most modern dictionaries have helped form popular misconceptions surrounding alchemy by dismissing it as a immature, speculative precursor of chemistry obsessed with the transmutation of base metals into gold.
- Chemistry did evolve from alchemy however the two sciences have little in common.
- Chemistry deals with scientifically evidencable phenomena whereas alchemy deals with the hidden reality of the highest order - this constitutes the underlying essence of all truths and religions.
- Alchemy is not merely an art or science to teach metallic transmutation, so much as a true and solid science that teaches how to know the centre of all things, which in the divine language is called the 'Spirit of Life'. - Supported by documentary.
- The highest teachings of alchemy can only be reached if consciousness is radically changes - links to various points covered in documentary.
- Alchemy bridges the gap between earth and heaven, spirit and matter.
- The sacred teachings of alchemy are concealed in esoteric, hard to understand texts shrouded with secretive symbolism.
- Among alchemical secrets is that of making gold from other, less important base metals, which, relatively speaking is of little consequence and is one of the important by-products of high spiritual attainment.
- The transmutation process of turning metals into gold is an indispensable part of the Great Work - The Magnum Opus, at one and the same time, a material and spiritual realisation.
- Some people see alchemy as a wholly spiritual discipline, while others are only interested in finding out whether it is really possible to make gold and how - both attitudes are misleading.
- It is essential to remember that in the practice of alchemy there are precise correspondences between the visible and invisible, above and below, matter and spirit, planet and metals.
- 'The great work is, above all things, the creation of man by himself, that is to day, the full and entire conquest of his faculties and his future; it is especially perfect emancipation of his will...'
- Throughout the history of true alchemists most have sought after the universal medicine.
- The universal medicine is the Fountain of Youth, the Elixir of Life, and the Key to immortality in both a spiritual and mysterious physical sense. - sounds similar to some of the claims surrounding ORMUS.
- The Elixir would not only cure all illnesses by uprooting the cause of the disease, but also rejuvenate and transmute the body into an incorruptible 'being of light'. - Similar claims made around ORMUS.
- The adept (adeptus, 'he who has attained' the gift of God) would then be crowned with the triple crown of enlightenment: Omniscience, Omnipotence, and the joy of Divine Eternal Love.
- Before obtaining the elixir, the alchemist must first overcome all the problems and obstacles of completing an extremely intricate process that culminates in the production of the 'Philosophers Stone'.
- It is the so called stone that has the property of transmuting metals into gold - consequently a lot of alchemical texts deal exclusively with the production of the stone.
- Alchemical texts contain elaborate devices to deter the unworthy from accessing important information.
- The secrecy of alchemy was essential in ensuring that the knowledge of devastating forces doesn't fall into the wrong hands.
- The hard to understand nature of the texts is all part of the transmutation process, and essential to the developed understanding of the secretive art.
- The image shows the renowned elixir on a central pedestall before the Arab alchemist Senior Zadith - the image shows a white substance surrounded by gold - could this be ORMUS?
- No matter how difficult alchemical teachings are to understand the student must rise up and surpass them all, especially if they want to surpass the shallow meanings periodically published by historians, psychologists and other scholars.
- If the seeker cannot find information in alchemical texts they can refer to alchemical art, fought with wonder into the heart of the subject.
- Alchemical art communicates in ingenious and often beautiful ways about things which where often not previously written about.
- In the pictorial language not a single detail is meaningless.
- Due to the symbolism applied in the images their meanings are often left open to interpretation.
- Alchemy cannot be bound to a single system of thought, nor can it be reduced to a single symbolical meaning as it transcends all dogma and religions.
- Throughout history, the Chinese, Indians, Egyptians, Greeks and Arabs have all practiced the art - all of these cultures contributed to what is ultimately became in medieval times.
- Since then the evolution of alchemy is thought to be largely superficial and illusory.
- The quest for the ‘Materia Prima’ is the alchemists first labour, its traditional name ‘the stone of the philosophers’.
- The stone of the philosophers, the subject of alchemy , should not be confused with the philosophers stone. The subject only becomes the philosophers stone when it is transformed and perfected by the art to a state of perfection.
- In alchemical literature, the materia prima is said to have an imperfect body, a constant soul, a penetrating trncture and clear and transparent mercury.
- The substance is referred to by a multitude of names, but no alchemist has ever publicly revealed its nature.
- One of the capital difficulties in alchemy is identifying this matter as in alchemical texts information regarding the substance is often misleading.
- The whole of alchemical work is prepared and achieved with this single substance. - Could this be ORMUS?
- Part of the process of producing the substance is the preparation of the secret fire known as ‘Ignis Innaturalis’, also called the natural fire.
- The scret fire, is described by alchemists as a dry water that doesn’t wet the hands, and as a fire burning without flames – this description has baffled and mislead many.
- The substance is in fact a salt, prepared from cream of tartar requiring great skill and a well-informed knowledge of chemistry. The process involves the use of spring dew collected by ingenious methods.
- Once prepared, the matter prima is placed in a mortar made of agate, pulverised with a pestle, mixed with the secret fire and moistened with dew.
- The resulting compost is then enclosed in a sealed vessel called the philosophers egg, which is placed in the Athanor (the furnace of the Philosophers).
- In the egg, two principles within the Materia Prima – one solar, hot and male (sulphur) and the other lunar, cold and female (mercury) interact.
- The alchemists furnace is designed in a way as to keep the egg at a constant temperature for long periods of time.
- There are three stones, or three works, or three degrees of perfection within the great work. The first work ends when the subject has been perfectly purified (by means of repeated distillation and solidification) and reduced to a pure substance.
- The second degree of perfection is attained when the same substance has been cooked, digested and fixed into sulphur.
- The third stone appears when the substance has been fermented, multiplied and brought to the ultimate perfect form, the philosophers stone.
- The illustrations of Philosophia reformata of Mylius, published in 1622 in Frankfurt by Lucas Jannis display one of the finest collections of alchemical engravings in existence.
- Many of the illustration have been re-used by other alchemists to illustrate their own texts.
- A number of alchemical theme appear throughout the set of engravings, most of all, the mystical wedding, death and resurrection, the conjunction of opposites, birth and exaltation. - Links to points covered by documentary.
- Many of the symbols used are recognizable, the lion and sun, Mercury with his caduceus (staff and double headed snake), the king and queen, dragon in the furnace, arrow of the secret fire, the eagle, the androgyne, the triple serpent dominion over the three realms. - all relate to the process of transmutation on a physical and spiritual level.
- Pages of my outcome could utilise some of these renowned alchemical illustrations.
- Images below belong to the 'De Summa Manuscript in the Arsenal, Paris'.
- The transmutation of elements is fully illustrated by the drawings.
- Not all aspects of the illustrations can be understood as they they are so steeped in symbolic imagery.
- Earlier pages show the late stages of alchemical work.
- The images show some of the immediate stages, together with quotations from alchemical masters.
- Johannes Andreae, 15th Century.
- Pages from my booklet could pull some aesthetic themes from old alchemical books like the one displayed below.
- The next set of illustrations detail a collection of unusually precise technical diagrams of furnaces, aludels, crucibles and other pieces of alchemical equipment.
- Finally, these last images detail the pages of a symbolical glossary detailing a variety of cryptic symbols and their meanings.
An aspect of alchemy that really captured my attention is the use and application of symbols that often used to represent various the aspects of alchemy. To an outsider the symbols are completely
I started my research into alchemy symbolism by reviewing a book called 'Alchemy - An Introduction to the Symbolism and the Psychology' by Marie-Louise von Franz.
Similarly as to when I was taking notes from the first book I highlighted areas of interest or importance in yellow. Moreover, any cross-referenced information was highlighted in a light-blue. Finally, any additional text that relates to the production and aesthetics of my booklet has been highlighted in green.
- The philosophical egg is both the birthplace of and container for the new alchemical attitudes, symobolised by the goal of coniunctio the union of opposites (male and female, consciousness and unconsciousness).
- Links to information presented by the documentary and previously reviewed book.
- This image shows the 'Mountain of the adepts' which relates to the process of psychological development through the various stages discussed in detail during the alchemy documentary.
- Eagle as a symbol of the spirit.
- This image shows the releasing of 'spiritus' from the heated 'Prima Materia' - a projected image of what happens psychologically in the conscious assimilation of activated unconscious content.
- Links to the 'Dissolution' stage of the transmutation process mentioned in the documentary.
- The Codex Marcianus Ouroboros - symbol of the alchemical work as a circular, self-contained process.
- Common image found throughout alchemical artworks.
- The image on the left hand side of the page shows variations of the 'Ouroboros', one is shown as a wingless serpent and the other as a crowned dragon.
- The second image illustrates 'Rawti' the Egyptian double lion with the disk of the sun, representing Aker, when the sun appears after its journey through the underworld.
- Representative of the rebirth of consciousness after the 'Night Sea Journey'.
- The double face of alchemy, laboratory and library, relates to the twofold nature of the individual process - the participation in outer reality and relationships together with the process of inner reflection.
- This image shows the alchemical sealed vessel (containing Mercurius - a symbol of the spirit imprisoned in matter).
- Psychologically comparable to the basic attitude of introversion which acts as a container for the transmutation of attitudes and emotions.
- The water of life flows between the opposites, the masculin (sun consciousness - Sulphur) and the feminine (moon consciousness - Mercurious, spirit of the unconscious).
- Could the 'Water of Life' be a representation of ORMUS?
- The alchemical 'Green Lion' devouring the sun relates to the experience of consciousness being overwhelmed by violent, frustrated desires.
- Contrasting this assessment of the image is the one made in the first book that was reviewed, in which it states about the same image "The green lion is not eating but giving rise to the sun, so too from green, primordial matter emerges the sulphur of the wise. The blood of the green lion in this work in hermetic mercury. - this shows the inconsistent translations of images discussed in the first book.
- This image shows the coniunctio, the union of opposites.
- Statue of wise old man (Hermes Trismegistus) holding tablet.
- Supports infomration presented in alchemy documentary regarding Hermes Trismegistus.
- Alchemist (enlightened - crown) worshiping the fiery red sulphur.
- The coniunctio as a fantastic monstrosity - comparable psychologically to the unconscious union of masculine and feminine.
- This image shows the moon in the shadow of the earth.
- "The coniunctio takes place in the new moon, in the underworld.... in the deepest depression, in the deepest desolation, the new personality is born" - Von Franz
- Relates to the Conjunction stage mentioned in the alchemy documentary.
- The coniunctio as fountain, symbol of the meaningful flow of life.
- This image represents the union of king and Queen as androgynous god holding male serpent with sun, and female serpent with moon.
- The pelican is an alchemical vessel in which takes place the circulatio (circular distillation), comparable to the circumambulation of a problem from different point of view at different stages in life.
- The final image shows the alchemist enclosed in a state of 'nigredo' (depression), likened in the 'Aurora consurgens' to a bridegroom in a tomb, awaiting his bride (lost soul).
- Relates to part of the psychological transmutation process.
After collecting a body of research into the art and practice of alchemy I felt informed enough about the subject to start connecting the dots between the two subjects myself. Although ORMUS is not immediately mentioned in any of the information I have assessed there are constant comments about a mystical substance that is at the heart of alchemy. The substance is described to have healing and enlightening effects similar to those documented while collecting my initial research into ORMUS.
At this stage of the research I now need to progress forwards by finding information that directly links the practice of alchemy and the substance of ORMUS.
The small image displayed above was taken from a book called 'ORMUS - Modern Day Alchemy' by Christine M Emmons. Initially, i thought that the book directly addressed the links between alchemy and ORMUS, however, after reading the books description I discovered that it focused on the practice of making ORMUS.
Despite this there was some useful and relevant information on the books website.
- The image displayed a picture from the 1621 edition of Andrea Alciato, Emblemata (Book of Emblems), Padua: Tozzi.
- Triton, trumpeter for the sea God Neptune is the focal point of the illustration and represents the lye material at the core of every process.
- Lye is at the centre of ORMUS collection chemistry and is present as a liquid solution, dry crystals and sometimes solid sodium metal.
- The symbols contained in the illustration include the alchemical Ouroboros, triton, seawater, sand, air and a pyramid - each has relevance to the production and collection of ORMUS.
- Seawater is widely used ORMUS source material, there are also accounts of ORMUS processes utilising sand.
- ORMUS can also be found in the air.
- The presence of the pyramid hints at the connection of this knowledge to ancient civilizations.
- ORMUS collection is part of the great work and has been defined by Paracelsus as "the ability to control, purify and transform nature by the living power of the spirit."
- The symbol of the great work is the Ouroboros which represents the circle of alchemy (featured in the illustration).
- The steps in ORMUS production follow a similar circular path.
- Ancient alchemists have said "what is now dry must become wet" - Linking to the process of producing ORMUS.
- In recent years the search for the Philosophers stone has centred on discoveries made by David Hudson.
- ORMUS can be thought of as the natural non-metallic seed of the metals. Alchemists referrer to this material as the 'First Matter'.
- All these ORMUS materials are abundant in seawater, volcanic soil and can also be found in most biological systems.
- There is considerable evidence that ORMUS was known to metal craftsmen and alchemists throughout history who referred to the group of metals as "Noble Metals".
- Pharaoh Akhenaten is said to have built an ORMUS laboratory for the production of white powder gold near a mountain that was the source for ore and other raw materials.
When researching into the historical usage of ORMUS I hit a research wall as there was very little independent information available about the substances usage throughout history other than what people such as David Hudson had already released in their own personal (possibly biased) research.
My research into the history of ORMUS suddenly took on a more positive direction when I came across a website called the 'Library of Halexandria' which is described onsite as a;
"Synthesis of new physics, sacred geometry, ancient and modern history, multiple universes & realities, consciousness, the Ha Qabala and ORME, extraterrestrials, corporate rule and politics, law, order and entropy, trial by jury, astronomy, monetary policy, scientific anomalies, religion and spirituality, and a whole host of other subjects ranging from astrology and astrophysics to superstrings and sonoluminesence to biblical and geologic histories to numerology, the Tarot, and creating your own reality. "On this website I found an article which talked in detail about the history of ORMUS, its relation to alchemy as well as various other aspects relevant to my research. The article is documented below, while reading through information I took note of any details relevant to my research.
- Ormus known as the 'Philosopher's Stone' - links to alchemy.
- Also known as 'Manna' & 'Morning Dew' which holds biblical relevance.
- The word ORME is the same as the Hebrew word which means 'Tree of Life'.
- The Book of Aquarius covers topics regarding the 'Great Work of Alchemy'
- The ORME represents and connects a huge subject area that involves chemistry, physics, physiology, philosophy, sacred geometry, the tree of life and interpretations of ancient history relating to civilizations such as the Egyptians.
- The chemistry aspect of ORMUS describes the characteristics of eight precious metals; Ruthenium, Rhodium, Palladium and Silver (light platinum group) Osmium, Iridium, Platinum and gold (heavy platinum group).
- All of the precious metals have a strong affinity for and are (almost always) found in their natural state in combination with gold.
- Gold has a history of being the most precious of all commodities - spiritual tradition that extends throughout history.
- The second chapter of the book of genesis (King James version) describes the creation of the heavens and earth, plants, animals and herbs, man, the tree of life and a knowledge of good and evil. The chapter also informs us of the existance of gold "And the gold of that land is good; there is bdellium and the onyx stone" [Genesis 2-12]. - Evidences the importance of gold with regards to the creation of the universe.
- Alchemy books talk about "the White Powder of Gold" - a substance derived from yellow gold which has been transformed into a white powder upon reacting in its monoatomic state - links to the process Hudson use to find all eight of the monoatomic precious metals.
- In alchemy the goal of 'The Great Work' was to prepare the 'Elixir of Life' and the 'Philosopher's Stone' (transmutation of base metals into gold).
- While completing the great work alchemists of older were taught to "divide, divide, divide..." - only by freeing atoms from their crystalline-like structure can the alchemist hope to achieve the esoteric goal. - Links to the monoatomic structure of ORMUS described by various researchers.
- David Hudson also established links between ORMUS and the Hebrew tradition of the Ma-Na or Manna.
- Manna is also thought to be 'White Powder Gold' and translates into 'What is it?'.
- The phrase 'Manna' is repeated consistently throughout the Egyptian 'Book of the Dead, The Papyrus of Ani'.
- Other historical references list ORMUS as "that which issues from the mouth of the creator", "the seamen of the father in heaven" and "The Golden Tear from the Eye of Horus". - Links to various ancient civilizations.
- Later in the Escene tradition (a sect of Second Temple Judaism that flourished from the 2nd century BCE to the 1st century CE) white powder gold began being referred to as the "teacher of righteousness" - something that was swallowed and taken internally. - historical link to spiritual practices.
- Latter points link ORMUS to a extraterrestrial life-forms,
- The alchemists Lapidus and Eirenaeus Philalethes have said; "The Philosopher's Stone is no stone, but a powder with the power to transmute base metals into gold and silver".
- They also claim "The stone which is to be the transformer of metals into gold must be sought in the precious metals in which it is enclosed and contained. It is called a stone by virtue of its fixed nature, and it resists the action of fire as successfully as any stone - but its appearance is that of a very fine powder, impalpable to the touch, fragment as to smell, in potency a most penetrative spirit, apparently dry, and yet unctuous, and easily capable of tingeing a plate of metal. The stone does not exist in nature, but has to be prepared by art, in obedience to nature's laws. " - Links to information surrounding the production of ORMUS looked at in my initial research, also links to alchemy and the transmutation process.
- The May 1995 issue of Scientific American discussed the effects of ruthenium (one of the precious metals), by noting that a single ruthenium atom placed at each end of the double-helix DNA increases the conductivity of the strand by a factor of 10,000, causing the DNA to become, in effect, a “superconductor”. - Supports Davids Hudson's claims surrounding the healing effects of ORMUS and it ability to repair DNA strands.
- The Platinum Metals Review includes articles which discuss the treatment of cancers using platinum, iridium, and ruthenium. Apparently, the application of a platinum compound to an altered DNA state (as in the case of a cancer) will cause the DNA to relax and become corrected.
- It is also known that both iridium and rhodium have anti-aging properties, that ruthenium and platinum compounds interact with DNA, and that gold and the precious metals can activate the endocrinal glandular system in a way that heightens awareness and aptitude to extraordinary levels.
- The ancients from thousands of years ago knew of the superconducting effect of the precious metals on our consciousness -- what they referred to as the light body (the ka) - Also relates to alchemy and the final stage of transmutation.
- The precious elements occur in herbs and numerous vegetables - grapes have an exceptionally high amount.
- The earth naturally produces the elements and minerals needed to produce ORMUS.
- Our self-aware consciousness may be the result of a portion of our brain having monoatomic metals in our cells - links to Hudson's research on pigs brains.
After reading through the first article I followed a link relevant to ORMUS and its relation to the practice of alchemy. The following information is a transcript taken during one of Davids Hudson's lectures.
Philosophers Stone - Article Link
- White powder gold (ORMUS) is apparently the alchemical substance that has been sought after throughout the ages.
- Melchizedek Priesthood - associated with white powder gold.
- Rabbi Plotkin at the Temple Beth Israel in Phoenix said in regards to an ORMUS based question - "Oh yes, but to our knowledge no ones know how to make it since the destruction of the first temple. The white powder gold is the magic. It can be used for white or black magic."
- Associated with Sumerian civilization - one of the first recorded human civilisations.
- It was given to them by, they claimed - the Gods (Anunnaki).
- Always depicted in literature as a triangular shaped stone.
- In ancient Egyptian texts it was always reffered to as "What is it?" which in hebrew translates to 'Manna'.
- If you read the Egyptian book of the dead - Papyrus of Ani - found in the tomb of Pepe the 2nd in Old Kingdom Egypt, it says " I am purified of all imperfections, what is it, I ascend like the golden hawk of Horus, what is it, I come by the immortals without dying, what is it, I come before my father's throne, what is it, and he goes on and on, page after page, talking about all these attributes that you acquire as you ascend, by they always stop and ask the question, What is it?" - Written about 28 - 29 B.C.
'Always depicted in literature as a triangular shaped stone.'
- All of the Egyptians who had knowledge of the 'White Powder Gold' substance were killed when the Amalekites invaded Egypt and killed the majority of the population.
- The only people left with knowledge of 'White Powder Gold' were the Hebrews.
- Bazaleel the goldsmith was instructed by Moses to prepare the 'What is it?', otherwise known as manna - refered to in the bible.
- In ancient Egypt 'White Powder Gold' was referred to by three names; 'The Golden Tear from the Eye of Horus', That which issues from the mouth of the creator', 'The spittle' or it was called 'the Semen of the Father in Heaven'. - Links to terminology used in previous articles.
- Gold can be purified by distillation.
- At 450 degrees elemental gold will resonance disconnect from itself and become a gas, re-condenses and be caught as a white powder. The purification process can be repeated over and over to achieve a very high purity.
- The substance is called 'White dew' and is depcided as a white feather in alchemical texts and illustrations.
- Due to the way the volatile material is purified, all symbols of being deb by a dove, or recieveing the white dove is alchemical symbolism for 'White dew'.
- As told by the Rabbai this knowledge was kept by the Hebrews until the first temple was destroyed.
- Anything that is administered to treat a disease is medicine.
- There are reports of just 2mg of the substance curing Kaeposi Scrcomas on AIDS patients, and cases of cancer being cured - sounds ridiculous, but only this year additional scientific results have proved the effectiveness of cannabis oils at treating cancer, something that was incomprehensible only a year before.
- The real reason ORMUS is here is not to be applied as a medicine despite its obvious benefits.
Alchemical illustration depicting a king, Queen and the white dove.
- The real reason for the existence of ORMUS is to enlighten and raise the consciousness of mankind. - Directly relates to spirituality.
- Author conducts tests with ORMUS. The subject does a 42 day fast food diet, the only drank water for 9-days, on the 10th day he was given a 500mg dosage of the substance. The substance he was given was not gold but instead Rhodium and Iridium (both evidenced in various research papers) as they occured naturally in his body.
- At 500mg a day for 30 days (replicates Egyptian rite of passage) the subject began to heard a very high pitched frequency sound, as the test went on this got more and more intense. The sound is familiar with mediators, often when meditating people are told to listen out for this sound.
- After finishing the experiment the subject recounted the continuance of the sound, as well as vivid dreams and revelations.
- The subject began only sleeping around 1.5-2 hours a day and doesn't need 7-8 hours like the rest of us.
- The subject also recalls a ball of energy moving up his body and out the top of his head.
- According to the ancient Egyptians; "you have a physical body, you have to feed physical foods so that it can grow and become all that its meant to be. If you don't feed your material body, you die or your very stunted. You don't grow and develop." You also have a light body, the said, you must also feed so it can grow and become what its meant to be. We haven't fed our light bodies as we haven't known what to feed them with,"
- A book called 'Secrets of the Golden Flower' by Richard Wilhelm with an introduction by Carl Jung, published in 1931 documents the sound heard by Hudson's subject.
- The man also starts to experience effects that are less easy to explain, such as the ability to cut cards, and tell you who he will see tomorrow and what they will talk about.
- Other documented effects are a oneness with life.
- According to the 'Secrets of the Golden Flower' book it takes 10 lunar months (happens to be the same as 9 Egyptian solar months) to become a body of light. It is the breaking through the cosmic egg when the subject will become a being of light - Links to alchemy and achieving the great work.
- Nostradamus prophesied (very precisely) by the year 1999 'The Occult' gold will be know to science.
- It is all about love and total oneness with everyone. - Links to various religious teachings and also relates to the conjunction stage of alchemy.
- Super conductors do not have to touch as long as they are in a resonant harmony, and their Meissner Fields touch, they are one.
- ORMUS has the ability to correct DNA, and so any DNA related diseases can be corrected.
- However, the substance should not be taken for a medical purpose, rather a philosophical one.
While searching for more historically informative information relating to ORMUS and its usage by past civilizations I discovered a post by Barry Carter documenting all of the ORMUS related historic referenced made by David Hudson during his lectures.
Information link - Link
After reading and analysing the transcripts from Daivd Hudson's lectures I wanted to collect further research into the links between alchemy and ORMUS so that I can cross reference information from different sources to help legitimise the details presented.
While browsing the internet I found an online PDF. version of a book called 'Ormus, the Secret Alchemy of Mary Magdalene Revealed' by William Hearth. The book talks about the various aspects of ORMUS, most of which have already been covered in my previous body of research.
While reading the book I found an interesting chapter that briefly details the relationship between ORMUS and alchemy, the oppression of information and other data that is directly relevant to my current research direction.
PDF Link - Link
- Ormus - also referred to as the Philosophers stone, Shrew-bread, Manna, Holy Communion, White Powder Gold and ORMES. - Names link to substances evidenced throughout human history, all were applied for similar spiritual reasons.
- ORMUS suppressed throughout its history, this oppression of information continues today.
- ORMUS has inspired the creation of countless secret societies devoted to sustaining the practice of alchemy and application of ORMUS.
- The Knights Templar and subsequent masonic societies such as the 'Free Masons' were created in an effort to preserve the knowledge of ORMUS.
The book also mentions David Hudson's ORMUS journey and evidences his research progression and how he began looking at the relationship between alchemy and ormus.
- Hudson was initially uninterested in alchemy.
- His uncle introduced him to the alchemical concept of the 'Philosopher's Stone'.
- Hudson began reading a 'Time-Life' book called 'Secrets of the Alchemists' which presented ideas about distilling a mysterious white powder from pure gold.
- Upon digesting this information Hudson began to draw the links between his research into ORMUS and its effects and the Philosophers stone mentioned in Time-Life book.
Finally, as I outlined at the start of my further research another aspect of the research topic I want to collect more information around is scientific data to support ORMUS related information.
It has also been mentioned in group critiques of the project that I need to support information with scientific evidence to help legitimise the unbelievable nature of the data. In modern society we need to support the unbelievable with hard evidence to truly commit our belief in the subject. As limiting as this ideology can be it is an essential aspect of modern thinking and analysis, and so as the final part of my research I intent to try to collect a body of independent scientific research that supports or debunks the claims surrounding ORMUS.
As I have struggled in the past to find independent scientific research into the topic I decided to first email someone who has collected a vast, unbiased body of research into ORMUS themselves. Therefore, I went back to the 'All the Gold you can Eat' website to try and contact Joe De Kadt, the maker of the informative documentary.
On the documentaries website there is a section in which you can forward questions and comments to the team behind the films production.
Hugely vast research topic that has many relevant ties to other possible research directions. when one door opens so do several others.
It is a very hard subject to research into due to the nature of information and the amount of directions it could be taken in.
No definitive text outlines ORMUS as the material produced by alchemists, however the additional information taken from historical alchemical texts and teachings create an insurmountable link between the two.
Information was hard to legitimise due to the research sources used.
Not content with the information collected, feel I have only skimmed the surface of a vast topic - could research for the rest of the year and have still not covered all aspects of the interlinked topics - moved on due to time management.
Due to the nature of the research and the sources used to collect it, from an institutional perspective the data can be perceived as unreliable and biased. Therefore, at the start of my publication I will write a disclaimer....
Finally, as I outlined at the start of my further research another aspect of the research topic I want to collect more information around is scientific data to support ORMUS related information.
It has also been mentioned in group critiques of the project that I need to support information with scientific evidence to help legitimise the unbelievable nature of the data. In modern society we need to support the unbelievable with hard evidence to truly commit our belief in the subject. As limiting as this ideology can be it is an essential aspect of modern thinking and analysis, and so as the final part of my research I intent to try to collect a body of independent scientific research that supports or debunks the claims surrounding ORMUS.
As I have struggled in the past to find independent scientific research into the topic I decided to first email someone who has collected a vast, unbiased body of research into ORMUS themselves. Therefore, I went back to the 'All the Gold you can Eat' website to try and contact Joe De Kadt, the maker of the informative documentary.
On the documentaries website there is a section in which you can forward questions and comments to the team behind the films production.
The message I submitted is displayed below;
I have recently watched, analysed and thoroughly enjoyed your documentary as part of a body of research collected for a current and on-going university project
I have found the documentary to be one of the most informed and unbiased reviews of the mysterious topic. However, upon looking for further supporting independent scientific studies I hit a research wall.
All of the research I have currently reviewed has been published by researchers directly related to the production and distribution of the ORMUS substance, and so the information can be seen as biased and thus could be unreliable.
I was wondering if, while collecting information for the documentary you came across any independent scientific research conducted from a completely unbiased perspective?
Any information and/or help will be greatly appreciated.
(still waiting for response......)
Hugely vast research topic that has many relevant ties to other possible research directions. when one door opens so do several others.
It is a very hard subject to research into due to the nature of information and the amount of directions it could be taken in.
No definitive text outlines ORMUS as the material produced by alchemists, however the additional information taken from historical alchemical texts and teachings create an insurmountable link between the two.
Information was hard to legitimise due to the research sources used.
Not content with the information collected, feel I have only skimmed the surface of a vast topic - could research for the rest of the year and have still not covered all aspects of the interlinked topics - moved on due to time management.
Due to the nature of the research and the sources used to collect it, from an institutional perspective the data can be perceived as unreliable and biased. Therefore, at the start of my publication I will write a disclaimer....
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